Assuming a largish database and slow NFS access ... 100 seconds (100,000 ms) doesn't sound like a lot of unexpected wait time. Would really need a good bit more info ...
- Has this same exact mount (same NFS files, same ASE and config) run faster in the past? does it run fast sometimes but slow at other times? [assuming *NO* changes by you ... may want to speak to your network folks to see if you're competing against processing that sporadically floods your network or NFS host with activity]
- How big is the database, are all devices on NFS, and what was the total time to get the database mounted and online for use?
- Have you tried wrapping your 'mount database' in some sampling of metrics to get a better picture of what's going on? For example:
================= test harness
select 'TimeStamp' = convert(varchar,getdate(),109)
select * from master..monDeviceIO
select * from master..monNetworkIO
select * from master..monProcessActivity where SPID = @@spid
select * from master..monProcessObject where SPID = @@spid
select * from master..monProcessStatement where SPID = @@spid
select * from master..monProcessWaits where SPID = @@spid
exec sp_sysmon "begin_sample"
mount database ...
select 'TimeStamp' = convert(varchar,getdate(),109)
select * from master..monDeviceIO
select * from master..monNetworkIO
select * from master..monProcessActivity where SPID = @@spid
select * from master..monProcessObject where SPID = @@spid
select * from master..monProcessStatement where SPID = @@spid
select * from master..monProcessWaits where SPID = @@spid
exec sp_sysmon "end_sample",noclear
... yeah, there's going to be some redundant info in all of that output, but I'd rather have too much than not enough. And (obviously) it's probably best to run your test with little/no other activity so that you're not skewing your samples.