Hi all,
We are developing an app that allows users to save and view start/ end dates.
In the frontend (SAPUI5) we use a Datepicker control. We send the selected dates to the backend (ABAP) layer. Then, we display the saved dates in the frontend.
Frontend sends:
Then backend receives:
However when the Get service is called, the dates in the backend have been saved but in the CET timezone. We cannot change this:
When reading this date, SAPUI5 converts the timezone to local again:
Our question is-- what is the best way to handle date saving and/ or display? Our current problem is that the date conversions happening on the backend and frontend layers are making the dates inconsistent across timezones.
It is required that all dates be shown statically (i.e. the same in all timezones). For example, I would see the same dates here in Canada as a user in Australia.
Here are our current configurations for the backend data types (SEGW and data structure respectively):
We have another working method in another app: sending the dates from/ to backend in String form (YYYYMMdd format) and then parsing it, but we wonder if there is a cleaner method to do this.
Thanks for any insight!