Hi Hidee,
Its Possible you can migrate your existing SAP Solutions on premise to Cloud via Homogeneous Migration by contacting any Cloud Vendor HP Helion VPC- Virtual Private Cloud, SAP HEC, Amazon Cloud, IBM etc they will help you with project plan to move to Cloud
Please note above words are applicable only in terms of SAP Software solutions but you want to move your exiting hardware to Cloud I hope this is not possible as all hardware and infrastructure required will be provided by Cloud vendor
What is SAP HANA in Cloud.
SAP HANA is used in many different cloud scenarios. These include:
• Infrastructure as a service (laaS) — SAP provides all hardware and you bring your software (in this case SAP HANA based applications) but it's the customer's responsibility to manage the solution
• Managed Cloud as a service (MCaaS) — SAP provides all hardware, you bring your software and SAP or an SAP hosting partner manages the entire solution
• Database as a service (DBaaS) — SAP provides all hardware and an empty SAP HANA system, customers just add their own applications and manage their solution
• Platform as a service (PaaS) — SAP provide all hardware and an empty SAP HANA system but includes a full development tool set to build and run new applications. SAP manage the hardware and SAP HANA but customers mange their own applications built on this platform
• Software as a service (SaaS) — SAP provide all hardware and a wide selection of SAP HANA powered ready to run line of business applications. SAP manages the entire solution. Customers just provide the business users!
So there are many vendor who provides cloud services like HP Helion VPC- Virtual Private Cloud, SAP HEC, Amazon Cloud, IBM etc