I have started and attached a datawindow
It refers to the image hd_hglt.gif with no directory specified so you will need that available in the current directory or point it to the right place and name.
I have painted two circles. the pen style is currently red. You can change that.
To create more, just duplicate them and move them, resize and rename them.
In the clicked event dwo.name will tell you which circle was clicked
In source each circle is defined like this:
ellipse(band=detail x="1769" y="340" height="164" width="192" name=c2 visible="1" brush.hatch="6" brush.color="16777215" pen.style="0" pen.width="14" pen.color="255" background.mode="2" ba...
To toggle the pen colour between red and black:
string lsName
lsName = dwo.name
if describe ( lsName + '.pen.color' ) = '255' then
Modify ( lsName + '.pen.color=0' )
Modify ( lsName + '.pen.color=255' )
end if