Hello, I'm sorry for a late response.
Unfortunately the statement "The parameters are named differently in the UI (as you mention) but functionally they are the same since underneath it is calling the same application (tc~bpem~arch~ear)" is wrong.
The description of Completion_Time_Period is
"TheCompletion_Time_Periodentered as a number of days (n) implies that all the processes in a 'Completed' or 'Cancelled' state within the defined duration are processed.
This is equivalent to an input ofCompleted_From = (Current_day - n) andCompleted_To = Current_day.
For example, if theCompletion_Time_Periodis set to 4 and the current date is 8/09/2013. Then all the processes for which “Completion Time” is between 4/09/2013 and 8/09/2013 are considered for processing."
And my goal is archiving of the processes which were completed from beginning of the time to the date = "currentTime - dateSpecified"
I tried to set parameter Completion_Time_Period to 300, started job and found that processes which were completed today are archived.
Does anybody have another solution?
Maybe there is any way to delete old processes without archiving?
Thanks for your help.