Hi, Experts
IQ 15.4
~/.sybase/DBISQL 12.0.1/.isqlPreferences12_64
I Change this line: <entry key=“SybaseIQ.showMultipleResultSets“>0</entry>
To this line: <entry key=“SybaseIQ.showMultipleResultSets“>1</entry>
but some hours later I found this key value reset to 0.
I don't think one of my colleages changed it
Is there any operation to reset key value in .isqlPreferences12_64 ?
Is there any OS environmental variable to set the location of ~/.sybase/DBISQL 12.0.1/.isqlPreferences12_64 ?
I want a customized .isqlPreferences12_64 file for some scripts.
I want to run a script. Do I have to set SybaseIQ.showMultipleResultSets to 1 ?
ex) dbisql -c "......" -nogui abc.sql
------------------------abc.sql / script (bof)------------------------------------------
set temporary option Temp_Extract_Name1 = '/work/table_a.dat';
set temporary option Temp_Extract_Name2 = '';
set temporary option Temp_Extract_Column_Delimiter = '|';
select * from table_a;
set temporary option Temp_Extract_name1 = '';
------------------------ script (eof)------------------------------------------------------
Thanks in advance...