Hi all, got a couple other threads going on trying to get some information about this.
In essence - many clients are using Business Objects Analysis for Excel as a front end tool to connect directly to HANA. In version 1.x, the connection was made with ODBC, which means that the requests were sent directly using SQL, which could be traced and then subsequently various performance analysis could be done on these queries.
Now in versions 2.x, the connection is HTTP and the requests are sent using the InA framework. What this means is that the traditional forms of performance analysis are no longer available since there is no SQL. What we end up with is a JSON style request (sample attached).
What I am now looking for is a way to get a performance analysis (VizPlan) look from these requests. Without any way to do this, it will be nearly impossible to troubleshoot slow Analysis for Office queries.
1) Has anyone experienced or solved this problem?
2) Does anyone have a way to simulate the execution of this InA request and/or translate to SQL or a cs plan?
Example of the InA request that is generated when an Analysis for Excel query is generated
>> Starting Information Access Service as XXXXX
[12322]{12322}[-1/-1] 2016-03-24 17:58:48.038882 d xsa:sap.bc.ina.s InaServer.cpp(00532) : InaServer::callService(GetResponse)
[12322]{12322}[-1/-1] 2016-03-24 17:58:48.039188 i xsa:sap.bc.ina.s InaRequest.h(00074) : InA Request:
"Analytics": {
"Capabilities": ["SP9", "SupportsEncodedResultSet", "SupportsSetOperand", "ResultSetCellMeasure", "HierarchyNavigationDeltaMode", "ResultSetHierarchyLevel", "HierarchyKeyTextName"],
"DataSource": {
"InstanceId": "56F43F79041E2C12E1000000A1F4F227",
"ObjectName": "ARCustomerLineItems",
"PackageName": "Analytics.CustomerFinance"
"Definition": {
"Dimensions": [{
"Attributes": [{
"Name": "[Measures].[Measures]"
}, {
"Name": "[Measures].[Description]"